About Us

About Us

Just Indians is an entity of people who honestly feel, instil in them the thought and develop the mind-set that they are ‘Just’ Indians, and not Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists etc. It is a network of people who, on the one side, voluntarily and willingly detach themselves from any type of religious identity, affiliation or addiction, and on the side who work for creating a Just, Inclusive, and Tolerant Society where each person is socially and economically secure, and where the state is politically, legally, and administratively inclusive and fair for everyone. Just Indians strives for the promotion of Social Justice, Inclusive Society, Religious Tolerance and Religious Freedom.

Just Indians was founded, as an one man entity by Mr.Sunil Kumar, a Post Graduate in Sociology, and who has quit his job in Indian Railways , with the sole aim of Promoting Peace and Tailoring Tolerance, after serving there for almost Twenty Five Years. It is a Documentation and Research Centre, which designs and delivers sustainable process for a free, fair and inclusive society where the prevalence and progress of religious tolerance and religious freedom are ensured and guaranteed. Just Indians has been established to promote peace and coexistence, and to tailor tolerance and thus to achieve broad acceptance of religious tolerance & religious freedom as a fundamental human right, a source of individual and social flourishing, the cornerstone of a successful society, and a driver of national and international security.

Just Indians seeks to rise the value of tolerance and spread the culture of peace; bring people together across divides of religion, culture, caste, language etc.

Just Indians is impartial and is not aligned with any specific religion or belief. We don’t consider the merits and demerits of the different religions or beliefs whether they be theistic, non-theistic or atheistic. We are neither for nor against any religion or belief. We strive to ensure that the right to believe or not to believe is upheld.

Our effort to promote Religious Tolerance and Freedom of Religion or Belief is based on the principle that human rights are universal, interdependent, and interrelated. We are committed to promoting respect for diversity, tolerance and inclusion.

Just Indians is focused on an inclusive approach which can promote freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, and the freedom to change faith.
We seek to establish an Inclusive Society- a ‘Society for All’– in which people play an active role in peace and development, engaging in socially integrative processes that are guided by the fundamental principles of seeking unity within diversity with social justice. Education is the key to promote inclusivity and diversity of people belonging to a different racial, religious, or sexual denomination.

Just Indians is a network of likeminded people who act to Promote Human Development by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful just inclusive and tolerant societies.

Through love, patience, persistence and by embracing the difference and diversity, we believe we can change the world. We also believe that the work we do locally will have a positive effect on the global consciousness, and our global partnership with like -minded people and organizations will positively support and encourage us at home.

Religious freedom is important for everyone, everywhere because religion has become important for everyone, everywhere. Human beings are innately religious. Our nature impels us to seek answers

to profound questions about ultimate things. If we are not free to pursue those answers, and to live according to the truths we discover, we cannot live a fully human life.