Our Objectives

*- To engage in Teaching and Tailoring Tolerance among the people, particularly among children at Kindergartens, students and teachers at educational institutions like schools, Colleges, Universities etc.

*- To facilitate, sponsor and encourage cordial and mutually supportive interfaith conferences, forums, luncheons and conversations amongst different faith adherents and leaders

*- To promote tolerance in our society by acting as a Think Tank and thus engaging in research to explore the ways and means to make our society a highly tolerant one

*- To advancing research and knowledge on how to build inclusive societies

*- To create a network of volunteers irrespective of their religion, region, faith, belief, caste, creed, community etc. to serve as a Rapid Response Team during Natural Calamities and Man-made disasters.

*- To strengthen government’s role as an incubator of tolerance.

*- To consolidate the role of family and educational institutions in nation building

*- To promote tolerance among young people including but not limited to those students in schools, colleges and universities, and thus to prevent them from fanaticism and extremism

*- To strive to teach tolerance and love to children before they start to learn hatred and intolerance

*- To support teachers and schools educate children and youth to be active promoters of tolerance in a diverse society like India

*- To organize Seminars and Conference at national and International level to discuss and explore the ways and means to preserve, promote and protect religious tolerance in our society.

*- To encourage interfaith understanding through broad ranging invitations, gatherings, meetings and reciprocal visits across religious groups

*- To bring together public interest groups and parties of varying or opposing views to seek common ground and freedom and fairness for all

*- To promote civil discourse, without discord, amongst those with differing views and opinions on Religious Freedom and Religious Tolerance

*- To educate the people using social and print media to disseminate ideas and materials related to Religious Freedom and Religious Tolerance

*- To take effort to explain, discuss, explore and understand the implications of the legislation and court cases on Religious Freedom and Religious Tolerance

*- To elicit and understand views of political parties, researchers and candidates related to Religious Freedom and Religious Tolerance (while remaining strictly nonpartisan and apolitical),

Social Justice: What it is?

Social justice refers to the principles, values and belief that every individual and group is entitled to fair and equal treatment, which is necessary for the achievement of a society in which all people have equal access to rights, not only under law, but in all aspects of life, and all people get an impartial share of the benefits as well as carry a fair share of the responsibilities of society

An Inclusive Society: What it is?

As defined by the United Nations, an inclusive society is a society that over-rides differences of race, gender, class, generation, and geography, and ensures inclusion, equality of opportunity as well as capability of all members of the society to determine an agreed set of social institutions that govern social interaction.

The World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen 1995) defines an inclusive society as a “society for all in which every individual, each with rights and responsibilities, has an active role to play”. Such an inclusive society must be based on respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms, cultural and religious diversity, social justice6 and the special needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, democratic participation and the rule of law. It is promoted by social policies that seek to reduce inequality and create flexible and tolerant societies that embrace all people.

Inclusion is ultimately about the dignity and worth of every person, which is the backbone of all human rights. “There is a pressing need to develop societies that embrace diversity and pluralism in the face of the many deep structural inequities and exclusion that persist in countries and regions across the world.” – Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.

An inclusive society aims at empowering and promoting the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic, or other status. It is a society that leaves no one behind.